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  • Interview with Katalin Ogren - an actress who played a character of Kitana, Mileena and Jade in "Mortal Kombat 2"

09.11.2012 16:43, autor artykułu: Benedykt Dziubałtowski
odsłon: 9446, powiększ obrazki, wersja do wydruku,

Hello. Thank you that you agreed for this interview. At the beginning, could you tell me a bit about yourself? What made you become interested in martial arts? After all, this is rather a sport not necesseraly associated with women.

I loved it as a kid. I loved boxing too. It was what I wanted to learn.

Since when have you been training martial arts?

9 years old.

Do you do fitness and boxing for living? From your website I can see you have a wide selection of video casettes with training programs.

Yes, I teach boxing, kickboxing, muay thai, krav maga, mma conditoning, a mix of martial arts and most fitness classes.

How did it happen that you become one of the people featuring in "Mortal Kombat 2"? Was there some sort of a casting for a ninja-woman warrior?

They saw me training on my own at the health club. We were all members of the same fitness center.

Did you know that you will be playing three different characters?

Not until I began filming.

Could you describe how the shooting looked like?

It was a blue screen set with video camera. There were markers to aim at that were also used to block out your movement so you stayed in frame.

What kind of technique was used during the shooting?

I filmed every single technique you see in the game. All the movements were filmed several times in order for them to capture the movements.

Where did the shooting occur?

At Midway Games in Chicago.

How long did the shooting of all the moves of Kitana, Mileena and Jade take? In overall how long did the shooting of all characters take?

8 hours.

Have you got the opportunity to play the game with character of yourself? Which one was your favourite?

Yes, Kitana. But I don't play video games.

In "Mortal Kombat II" Kitana's character is using "steel fans". Did you actually use some fans during the shots or were they added by an artist in a later stage?

They were not steel - they were my training fans. I did the moves as you see them and they filmed them for the game. They changed the color in post production.

Was Kitana costume tailor made for you? Was it comfortable to wear?

Yes it was tailor made. Fairly, comfortable.

When making a "friendship" in "Mortal Kombat 2", Kitana gives her opponent a birthday cake. Were you holding a real cake during the shots?

No it was added in post production.

The moves of "Mortal Kombat" fighters are quite complicated. I'm thinking mainly about Mileena's "teleportation" or multiple salto when jumping over an opponent. Did you record those or did they produce them using some clever video trick? It's hard to imagine you jumping all over the studio :)

It was a combo of both. Lots added in post production

Do you like yourself on the screen of the computer game?

It is fun. Of course

Did anyone identify you with Kitana or Mileena in real life?

A few times at shows.

Do you have any special material from "Mortal Kombat 2" shooting that you could share with us?

No Ed and John kept it all.

Did you keep any of the props used during the shots (costume, fans, sai) or did Ed and John take them too?

No but we used my real sai for the filming.

After your adventure with "Mortal Kombat", have you got any other experience with similar projects? Were they different from what had been done on the "Mortal Kombat" set?

I worked for Atari before they went out of business doing the same thing.

How did you like working with Tobias and Boon?

They was laid back and fun guys.

Do you still keep in touch with other actors that appeared in the game?

We are acquaintances - but our lives are all in different places.

If you had a chance, would you do it again?

Yes, just with a real contract in place.

Were you offered to play in "Mortal Kombat" - the movie?

No they went with trained actors.

Have you ever been to Poland?

I have not.

Is there anything you want to add at the end of this interview?

No thanks.

Thank you for your answers.

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