Re: demoscena dla whdload
post #38
Juz ogarneli wyjscie z karuzeli
Hi, I've found a solution how to use your own hardfile (with Workbench) with your A500.
This works with a savestate file. These are the steps I followed:
* Format a USB stick and place the A500 folder from the WHDLoad Package in the root as normal.
* Put one WHDload game/demo on your USB stick.
* Put your hardfile (created in WinUAE) on your USB stick.
* Put the USB stick in your A500 and run the game.
* Press Home on your controller when the game runs and press down on the d-pad.
* Press A to make a savestate file.
* Put the USB stick in your PC and open the folder .a500states and the next folder (something like 9c81e6eb).
* Delete the slot-0.msz file.
* Open the slot-0.uae file in notepad and go to * Hard Drives.
* Change this info to :
hardfile2=rw,DH0:/mnt/INSERT NAME OF YOUR HARDFILE.HDF,32,1,2,512,0,,uae0
uaehf0=hdf,rw,DH0:"/mnt/INSERT NAME OF YOUR HARDFILE.HDF",32,1,2,512,0,,uae0
* You can also check under * Chipset if the chipset is set to AGA (chipset=aga).
* Save the file, and put the USB stick in your A500.
* Select the game again and press Home on your controller and down on the d-pad.
* Select the savepoint and the HDF file will load! (and had read/write options!).
Advance mode:
If you want to make a folder on your USB stick visible in the HDF file, add the following info under * Hard Drives:
filesystem2=rw,DH1:Games:/mnt/NAME OF THE FOLDER ON USB,-128
uaehf1=dir,rw,DH1:Games:/mnt/NAME OF THE FOLDER ON USB,-128
You can change the Games: in the name you want to call the harddrive.